These are things that I do every day so I don't sleep so much because life can be a bit of a drag. Undrag, Life! I want each day to be worth waking up to.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

#6 - Old Inspiration, New Inspiration

A few years ago I discovered this song sung by Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash. It is a weeper, on the right day. There is something pure and whole about it that makes me never want to stop creating.

And then my mom sent me this short verbal moment by Iris Glass that makes me realize I could never stop creating even if I tried.

Monday, May 28, 2012

#4 - Starting a project with IndieGoGo

It's hard asking for help, but I started today. This project is looking promising for the first day. A huge thank you to all the contributors so far. You are amazing.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

#3 - Holding my niece

Which is a lot like holding a wiggly bag of dough. Also, I got her this outfit, which I saw in New York. So.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

#2 - Toy Traders and graphic novels

I bought this graphic novel of Stephen King's "Gunslinger Born". The toy store was great, amazing, of epic proportions; this graphic novel is kind of artistically awful.

But then there was this Hansel and Gretel figure that I really liked and really got my inspiration ramped up.

Friday, May 25, 2012

#1 - Walking the dog in flip flops

This may not seem like a very big deal, unless you are just coming out of a hellish winter and your feet haven't seen the sun in months.